Fields Farm Stand opens for the season

post by: Debbie Fields April 27, 2020

We will be opening our farm stand to sell vegetable and raspberry starts with rhubarb coming along in 2 weeks. We would like everyone, from the young health-conscious person to someone with a compromised immune system, to feel comfortable coming to the farm stand. To that end we are asking everyone who comes to the farm stand to:

*Wear a mask while you are at the farm stand. If you don’t have one you can pick one up here to use and take home with       you.

*Hand sanitizer is available – think of using it when arrive at the stand and after handling cash

*Disinfecting solution and rags will also be available.  I will disinfect coolers, refrigerator, cash box, table and containers before we open in the morning and then again mid day.  If you want to give the refrigerator door handle or lids of coolers a squirt, go ahead.

*When picking your produce, please choose with your eyes. If you touch a piece of produce, please buy it.

*If someone is at the stand when you arrive, wait til they are finished so there is only one person at the stand at a time.

*If you would like to have a cashless, no contact purchase we can accept credit and debit through our PayPal account at Fields Farm, Debbie Fields using fieldsfarmdeschutes@

For vegetable starts we have a slicing cucumber, yellow zucchini, butternut winter squash and genuine tomatoes.

Our raspberry plants are a vigorous variety called Carolina.

Our greens and rhubarb are a little late this year as we were late in getting irrigation water. Hopefully by the 3rd or 4th week in May we will have some.  Happy spring planting, enjoying the sunshine and our new slower pace of life.