Farm stand news

post by: Debbie Fields July 26, 2024

Hi Folks,

This is a first for Fields Farm, ripe tomatoes, tomatillos and eggplant in July. The farm stand is bulging this weekend. Look for first cutting arugula(delicious!), beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumbers, garlic curls, kales, lettuces, scallions, green and gold zucchini in the refrigerators. Herbs include basil, cilantro and parsley. On the table we will be getting out all 3 of our varieties of garlic, tomatoes, tomatillos and eggplant. As the refrigerators are stuffed items may have moved around, look at the labels on the door to find what you want. Come on by.

Broccoli, Cabbage and Scallions

post by: Debbie Fields July 19, 2024

Hi Folks,

New this week in the stand are broccoli, cabbage and scallions. There is also red and gold beets, cucumbers, carrots, lettuces, 3 varieties of kales, garlic curls, green and gold zucchini’s, Swiss chard and rhubarb. Herbs include basil,dill and parsley. On the table are new potatoes and fresh juicy Kettle River garlic. Come on by.

More variety!

post by: Debbie Fields July 6, 2024

Warm summer days are here with more crops coming on. This week in the farm stand there is arugula, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers,garlic curls, kale, lettuces, some sweet and delicous mustard greens, yellow and green zucchini and rhubarb. Available herbs are basil, cilantro and mint.

Venmo and Pay Pal

Though Venmo is free for person to person transactions, there are fees for businesses that take dozens of payment a month. Please add the .30 cent transaction fee for purchases with Venmo and PayPal. This just covers costs, there is no extra charges. We understand these are very convenient services. Thank you for your understanding.

Come on by and enjoy the summer abundance.



Garlic Scape season is here!

post by: Debbie Fields June 18, 2024

Hi Folks,

Those tender mild curly green garlic scapes are being harvested now. Summer squash is just beginning. There is plenty of lettuce in the refrigerator. The next planting of arugula will be ready at the end of the week. Carrots may be available in the next few days. It’s early in the season more veggies to come.

Freshly stocked farm stand

post by: Debbie Fields June 5, 2024

Hi Folks,

We have a freshly stocked refrigerator with mixed bags of butterhead and red Bibb lettuces, spinach, arugula, cilantro, mint and rhubarb. Come on by.

Tender mild greens

post by: Debbie Fields May 31, 2024

Hi Folks,

The farm stand is packed with tender spring lettuces, spinach, rhubarb, Bok chois and cilantro. Arugula coming early next week. Come on by.

Opening Day for the Farm Stand 2024 Season!

post by: Debbie Fields May 22, 2024

Hi Folks,

Today the farm stand opens for the 2024 season. With our cool spring this year we have very mild and tender, tasty greens including arugula, lettuce, spinach and Bok Choi. There are also bunches of beautiful slender French radishes and long stalks of rhubarb. We’ll be opening at 10:00am daily til 7:00pm. Come on by and enjoy the bounty.

CSA shares sold out for 2024, but farm stand opens in late May!

post by: Debbie Fields March 28, 2024

Hope to see you all at the farm stand in late May for some fresh greens.  Keep and eye out for the sign on Pettigrew, we’ll hang it up when the farm stand is open.

CSA shares available for 2024 season!

post by: Debbie Fields February 14, 2024

For the 2024 season Fields Farm is offering a 22-week CSA subscription, which includes 5-6 items per week (and sometimes more!), from late May through October.  Pickup of your CSA share will be available on Wednesday mornings by 11am at the farm on Pettigrew Rd.  Our anticipated start date is 5/22/24 (depending on weather and other factors) and goes until 10/30/24.  This is technically 24 weeks–we will be taking two weeks off from CSA harvest and pickup during this season, and those dates are TBD.

Examples of what you’ll find throughout the season, based on previous years (not a comprehensive list):
Early season (May-June): Lettuce, spinach, arugula, Asian greens, rhubarb, radishes, broccoli, carrots, bok choi, cilantro, mint, kale.
Mid season (July-August): items listed above plus potatoes, garlic scapes, beets, summer squash, bush beans, cabbage, cucumber, chard, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, basil.
Late season (Sept-Oct): everything above plus onions, garlic, leeks, brussels sprouts, corn, cauliflower, celery.

We try to keep variety a priority each week; usually in the early season it’s a lot of greens, but by September you may find it hard to eat everything by the time the next pickup occurs!  Cost of the CSA share is $550; cash and check are the preferred forms of payment, but if you’d like to pay by Venmo we ask for an additional $20 to cover the fees charged to us by that service.  Full payment will secure your share for the season!  Thanks for taking part in the farm’s seasonality and success!
NEW FOR 2024 SEASON: for all CSA related inquiries, questions, etc, please email Jeremy at  This is the new email address used to communicate about the CSA, as well as to receive the weekly email letting you know the shares are ready for pickup.

Last Day!

post by: Debbie Fields November 22, 2023

Hi Folks,

This is the last day the farm stand will be open this season. Our potatoes, onions and garlic will continue to be available at Locavore.  Thank you for being part of the farm. We look forward to seeing you next spring. Have a peaceful winter.

Debbie, Jim and Jeremy