After a couple days at the coast(yes it was wonderful) we’re back and the farm stand is full, including the first tomatoes and bags of broccoli.
Full farmstand
post by: Debbie Fields August 8, 2020
Full farm stand
post by: Debbie Fields July 29, 2020
Hi Folks,
The farm stand is full with lettuce mix, carrots, scallions, cucumbers(regular and lemon), summer squash,Kale, Swiss chard, rhubarb, raspberries, basil, parsley with new potatoes, garlic and tomatillos on the table. Come on by.
Garlic and new potatoes!
post by: Debbie Fields July 23, 2020
Hi Folks,
All the garlic has been harvested and is now curing. We have beautiful heads of fresh garlic available for $2. Purple Majesty potatoes, creamy and delicious, are on the table for $5 a bag. There are limited amounts of raspberries and arugula, lots of cucumbers, summer squash, carrots, cabbage, Swiss chard, kale and herbs. Come on by.
Open hours are: Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 to Dusk
Sunday 10:00 to 2:00(with limited selection)
Closed Monday for cleaning and disinfection
This week at the Farm Stand
post by: Debbie Fields July 17, 2020
Hi Folks,
New this week are tomatillos, Anaheim peppers, scallions. Green salsa time!
We also have cucumbers, both slicing and juicy lemon cucumbers. Greens this week are kale and Swiss chard. Turnips and radishes are the root crop for the weekend. LAST week for garlic scapes, extra big bunches for $2. We have heard they freeze well. Herbs include basil, cilantro, parsley and dill. Let us know if you would like basil in larger quantities for $8/lb.
Farm Stand packed for the week end
post by: Debbie Fields July 4, 2020
Hi Folks,
There is lettuce mix, butterhead lettuce, arugula, garlic scapes(last week), summer squash, cucumbers, radishes,turnips, cabbage, basil and cilantro in the frig. I want to remind everyone the stand is empty on Mondays for complete cleaning.
New! Mini CSA shares
post by: Debbie Fields June 29, 2020
Now that production is up we are offering some Mini CSA shares. A Mini CSA share is a choice of 4 items per week for $60 a month. Each week you would choose 4 different vegetables from a variety of in season produce. This week the choices will be; lettuce mix, spinach, arugula, Swiss chard, summer squash, cabbage, radishes, baby turnips, rhubarb, garlic scapes, basil and cilantro. Payment can be made in cash, check or through our PayPal account at Please let us know in advance if you would like a Mini CSA and we will add you to the list.
What’s in the Farm Stand
post by: Debbie Fields June 26, 2020
Hi Folks,
The Farm Stand is packed with little red butterhead lettuce, green butterhead, lettuce mix, spinach, arugula, cabbage, radishes, garlic scapes, basil, Cilantro and Swiss Chard.
Come on by
post by: Debbie Fields June 17, 2020
Hi Folks,
one of our CSA members is moving to Eugene in July and would like to sell her share. Her name is Mary and email address is
Garlic Scapes are on
post by: Debbie Fields June 12, 2020
I know some of you have been calling about when will the garlic scapes be ready. We have harvested the first scapes and they will be available at the Farm Stand for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Rhubarb is back and Swiss chard is new this week also. There is also plenty of lettuce, spinach, arugula and cabbage.
In the Farm Stand This Week
post by: Debbie Fields June 9, 2020