The Farmstand will be open for a couple more weeks with 5lb bags of golden carrots for $5, leeks for $3/bunch and 1 lb bags of garlic for $10. Last chance to stock up!
Last of the season
post by: Debbie Fields November 17, 2018
Fall at the Farmstand
post by: Debbie Fields September 15, 2018
Hi Folks,
As fall is approaching with cooler temperature it sweetens up many of our crops. This weekend we will have a nice full refrigerator of carrots, beets, kale, fennel, summer squash, cucumbers and eggplant. On the table are red, yellow and blue potatoes and 3 varieties of garlic. We also have seed garlic available for fall planting.
New Book- Bend Food.
post by: Debbie Fields August 19, 2018
By local Bend author Sarah Rishforth:
Arcadia Publishing:
Summer Bounty at the Farmstand
post by: Debbie Fields August 9, 2018
We’ve just packed the frig with chiogga and red beets, cucumbers, carrots, snow peas, summer squash, kale, lettuce mix and romanesco cauliflower. On the table is potatoes and Chesnock Red and Kettle River garlic.
Farmstand Update
post by: Debbie Fields July 20, 2018
Hi Folks,
As summer progresses new items at he stand include new potatoes, summer squash(3 varieties) and cucumbers. This’s weekend we also have lots of beets and lettuce mix.
Garlic Scape Season
post by: Debbie Fields June 7, 2018
It’s garlic scape season, those tasty curls from the garlic plant are so easy to use. The Farmstand refrigerator is full of spring salad mix, radishes, garlic scapes and cooking greens.
We looking for 10 to 12 hours a week of help with harvesting, transplanting and learning the irrigation system. If you know of anyone interested in farming have them give us a call at 541-382-8059.
Weekend gardening
post by: Debbie Fields May 25, 2018
We have some well rooted raspberry, black currant and hop plants for sale this weekend. Our mild wet weather is perfect for planting.
Farmstand Open!
post by: Debbie Fields May 16, 2018
The Farmstand is open for the season! Currently there is rhubarb, arugula, bok choi and 2 varieties of Japonica Asian greens. These are first cuttings of all these veggies making them particularly tender and tasty.
Raspberry, black currant and hop plants
post by: Debbie Fields May 4, 2018
We done some thinning of our berry plants. One gallon pots of raspberries, black currants and cascade hop plants are available for $8 each for sale at the farm.
HDFFA gift
post by: Debbie Fields May 1, 2018
A big thank you to High Desert Food and Farm Alliance for helping the small farmers of Central Oregon with boxes and bags for produce packaging. This will help with consistent, clean packaging for our buyers.