This weekend at the farm stand

post by: Debbie Fields August 26, 2023

Hi Folks,

The new refrigerator is working. Look for eggs, berries, herbs, green beans, artichokes, eggplant and artichokes in the new frig. There is plenty of chiogga and red beets, broccoli, romanceso cauliflower, carrots, kales, lettuce, arugula, gold and green zucchini. Garlic is now for sale in 1 lb bags as well as by the head. Five varieties of potatoes, shallots and the extra large mild onions are on the table. Come on by.

Another Refrigerator

post by: Debbie Fields August 19, 2023

Hi Folks,

Another refrigerator has come to the farm. It will take a few days for the refrigerant to settle then we’ll fill it. Until then you can find the artichokes and eggplant in the grey refrigerator. The farm stand is full of arugula, broccoli, beans, beets,romanesco cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, English and lemon cucumbers, garlic, kales, lettuce, onion, jalapeño and bell peppers, 5 varieties of potatoes, raspberries and strawberries. Herbs available are basil, Italian and curly parsley and dill. Come on by and enjoy the abundance.

Green bean season is here!

post by: Debbie Fields August 10, 2023

Hi Folks,

Green beans are on and there will be a full farm stand this week end with all our previous items. Come on by for the freshest of fresh produce.

Seed Garlic is ready for shipping!

post by: Debbie Fields August 8, 2023

Seed Garlics:

-Georgian Crystal, porcelain type, large cloves, easy to peel with good flavor

– Chesnock Red, hardneck, spicier flavor, large heads

– Kettle River, softneck, juicy, mild flavor

$21 per pound

$17 per pound for 10lbs or more

The Italians are here, eggplant and artichokes

post by: Debbie Fields August 5, 2023

Hi Folks,

Today will be the first harvest of artichokes. Eggplant has been increasing over this last week. The next planting of lettuce is large enough to harvest and green bean will start this week too. There’s plenty of everything else too. It’s the abundance of summer. Come on by and enjoy.

Green Smoothies

post by: Debbie Fields July 29, 2023

Hi Folks,

If you are green smoothie fans we have some lovely Swiss Chard which goes nice with raspberries and peaches. My favorite kale for a blueberry kale smoothie is Red Russian. It is the kale with purple stems and a flat leaf. We’ll be bringing out shallots and big sweet onions this week. There are 5 varieties of potatoes on the table and 3 varieties of garlic to choose from.
If you are interested in larger quantities of basil for pesto or beets for pickling let us know. We can have them ready for you with a discounted price. The frig is full so come on by.

Bring on the BLT

post by: Debbie Fields July 25, 2023

Hi Folks,

Tomato harvest has begun. We have cherry, San Marzano and Stupice tomatoes available now. Fresh Chesnock Red, our spiciest garlic is now on the table too.

Weekend update

post by: Debbie Fields July 22, 2023

Hi Folks,

It’s a busy weekend at the farm stand and it is stuffed with the freshest produce including arugula, Asian greens mix, beets, carrots, cucumbers, kales, lettuces, onions, scallions, green and gold zucchini. Herbs available are basil, cilantro with root, dill, mint and parsley. Raspberry production is increasing.

The first of the delicious, easy peel Georgian Crystal garlic will be out today along with the juicy Kettle River. These are fresh garlics not yet cured for storage. I’m having fun making garlic braids that are currently curing.

Come on by for some FRESH produce.

post by: Debbie Fields July 18, 2023

Hi Folks,
After a fun time at our annual family camp out we are back and busy with harvesting garlic. Our first garlic out of the ground is our Kettle River softneck. It is a very juicy garlic and when fresh even more so. It has not cured so you want to use within a month. Wait for cured garlic to buy your winter supply.

Also available is creamy new gold and red potatoes, fresh Asian greens mix is back, onions, scallions, lettuces, kales, arugula, cucumbers, carrots, beets, broccoli, golden and green zucchini. Herbs include cilantro, parsley, basil, dill and mint.

Raspberries go quick so you may not always find them on the table. The second variety will come on in a month with more availability.

Come on by for fresh produce.

New Potatoes!

post by: Debbie Fields July 11, 2023

Hi Folks

We have bags of gold and red new potatoes that are tender and delicious. I’m always happy when the potato drought is over as they are such a staple in our diet. The first slicing cucumbers are available also. Raspberries will start the end of the week. There is plenty of beets, carrots, lettuces, kales, Swiss chard, scallions, arugula, cilantro, parsley, dill, mint and a bit more rhubarb. Come on by.