Happy new Year

post by: Debbie Fields January 2, 2012

Jim and I want to wish you all a very happy new year.  Today with the help of our cousin Phil we installed a weather station on top of the sales shed.  It is awesome.  If there is weather info you’d like just ask, we got high/low temps, wind speed and direction, dew point, humidity, barometric pressure, chill, precipitation, forecast and more that I don’t know how to read yet.  We can’t wait to have some real weather events!  In the meantime we continue to have eggs, onions, shallots, garlic and wild rice for sale.

Chilly Weather

post by: Debbie Fields December 13, 2011

Hi Folks,  Potatoes, onions, garlic and shallot will be in the grey refrigerator with ample amounts of eggs until this cold snap passes.  This time of year the frig helps prevent freezing!

Locavor Fair this Saturday

post by: Debbie Fields December 5, 2011

We will have Fields Farm Garlic and Onion powder blends, along with Wild Rice, potatoes, onions and shallots at the Locavor Holiday Fair this Saturday Dec. 10th from 10am to 4pm at the Locavor warehouse on Wilson and 9th.  We’ll be there with about 30 other vendors for a fun day of visiting, shopping and holiday activities.  Come on by!

Happy Thanksgiving

post by: Debbie Fields November 13, 2011

Winter weather is on it’s way and Thanksgiving is around the corner.  We have potatoes, onions, garlic, shallots and wild rice for your Thanksgiving dinner. Our egg supply is down slightly but most days eggs are available.  Be grateful and enjoy the season.

Fall Roots

post by: Debbie Fields October 29, 2011

Several people have asked if we still have produce.  Yes we do!  We have some great roots; german butterball potatoes, wilcox purple potatoes, chieftain reds, our lovely mild stutgarter yellow onion, shallots, pitarelli garlic and the last of the beets.  There’s also wild rice with new recipe cards available.  We’ll have kale for a couple more weeks.  The hens know the time of the year for slowing down is coming.  Occasionally we may be out of eggs but this weekend we have a good supply.   

Thanks to WWOLF Crew Slideshow

post by: Debbie Fields September 23, 2011

Thanks to the WWOLF crew that came to the farm last weekend and harvested onions, potatoes, shallots and tomatoes, and weeded and more, including some good eating. Here is a slideshow of the festivities. The photos are by Centraloregonlocavore.If you are reading this in an email, it might not show up, so click on over to the website. 

Deer Alert

post by: Debbie Fields September 23, 2011

We have deer visiting the farm!  Many of you know that when the sales shed door is closed we have not harvested.   However we’ve been having deer visitors most nights and not only do they munch on the veggies in the field but also think we’ve put out a buffet on the sales table.  So if the door is completely closed we have not harvested, but if it’s only closed enough to prevent deer from coming in, feel free to open the door and help yourself.
We also have many new visitors to our website and facebook page.  For those of you who have not been out to the farm yet to buy veggies, we want to invite you to come on out.  Our farm is at 61915 Pettigrew Road.  Enter the farm at our mailbox on the north end of the property.  Come down the driveway to the house.  There is ample parking at the sales shed.  We have  self-service sales, there is a large dry erase board listing the vegetables with their prices.  Choose your vegetable, then record your purchases in the spiral notebook in the green box.  Put the notebook and money in the green back in the green box.  There is usually no more than $1.50 in change.  We are happy to accept checks.  If you would like help please come to the house or give a honk of your horn(don’t worry we don’t consider a horn honk impolite just a means of communication).
We will have 4 to 5 varieties of potatoes, onions, garlic, 3 varieties of kale, swiss chard , beets and eggs most always available until Thanksgiving. Fall lettuce mix, tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, cabbages, cauliflower are also currently available.  If you would like to buy in quantities that are not packed please come get us. 

Bicycle to the WWOLF Party Saturday 9-17

post by: Debbie Fields September 15, 2011

This Saturday the WWOLF(willing workers on local farms) Pack will be meeting at Drake Park at 9:00 am and bicycling to Fields Farm to help out on the Farm, lunch and dinner will be served.  This is kid friendly, in fact its a Kidical Mass ride.  Join us!  More info at:http://www.bikearoundbend.com/2011/09/ride-with-the-wwolf-pack/

Happy Labor Day

post by: Debbie Fields September 1, 2011

We’ll be celebrating Labor Day with a refrigerator full of harvest bounty.  We have 3 kinds of  beans(Blue Lake, Burgundy and Romano Flat), yellow and red potatoes, onions, garlic, 3 kinds of kale, swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower(purple too!), summer squash, tomatoes, parsley and basil.  There’s also plenty of eggs and wild rice.  We’ll be pulling shallots tomorrow and some will be dried and cleaned by market next Wednesday.  We also have small bags for $10 every Thursday.  Let us know the day ahead if you want us to pack you a bag.

This Week

post by: Debbie Fields August 13, 2011

This week we have a nice full refrigerator.  There are beets, cauliflower, kohlrabi, summer squash, as usual lots of kales, potatoes, onions, garlic and RASPBERRIES.  We are having a bumper crop of raspberries and this looks like the heaviest production week.  We’ll try to keep enough picked to have them available in the blue cooler.  Plenty of eggs too.