Upcoming Farm Events

post by: Debbie Fields August 9, 2011

After a wonderful week break of boating we’re gearing up for a busy August.  We have not one but TWO events this month.  On Friday, August 19th at 6:00 pm we’ll be down at Common Table for Meet your Farmer night.  Bethlyn Rider will be preparing a delicious meal and we’ll be doing a presentation on the history of our farm.  See either the Common Table  or Central Oregon Locavor Websites for tickets.
For our second event we’ll be hosting the Small Farms Conservancy dinner on Saturday, August 27th at 5:00 pm.  Some of you may remember we hosted this event 2 years ago and I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say a good time was had by all.  The food and the entertainment were great and the proceeds go to a fine organization. See the Small Farmer’s Journal website for information and tickets.
A big thank you to Jeremy, Jason, Colleen, Joyti, Janell and anyone else who stopped by to help during our week away.  We really appreciate you!

Summer’s here

post by: Debbie Fields July 30, 2011

It looks like the warm summer weather is here and that brings on plenty of produce.  We will have a full refrigerator this weekend.  There are lots of eggs, all kinds of kale, new potatoes, a small golden turnip(we had them last night for dinner, they are delicious), swiss chard, beets, basil, spinach and more. 

Out of eggs til tuesday

post by: Debbie Fields July 23, 2011

What’s on

post by: Debbie Fields July 16, 2011

We’ve got carrots, 3 kinds of kale, collards, swiss chard, summer squash, those cute garlic curls, basil and oregano as well as eggs and wild rice for sale. Come on by.

Happy 4th, Fireworks and a Full Frig

post by: Debbie Fields July 1, 2011

We want to wish you all a happy 4th of July celebration.  The farm has a lovely view of Pilot Butte.  We want to invite you to bring a chair and come on over to view the fireworks Monday evening.  The grey Frig is well stocked with carrots, kale, kohlrabi, swiss chard, garlic scapes, lettuce mix and eggs.

Fields Farm Anounces Small Bags Program

post by: Debbie Fields June 27, 2011

We always get requests for half share CSA bags.  We are now making available “Small Bags” on a weekly basis starting this week through Nov. 17th.  Small Bags are designed to provide 4 to 5 items that can be used together to provide several servings of vegetables.  For example a bag might contain lettuce mix, carrots, green garlic and spinach for making salads or summer squash, onions, garlic, tomatoes and basil.  The vegetables will change as the season progresses.

These Small Bags will be available at the Farm on Thursdays for pick up.  They must be ordered by the end of the preceding Tuesday(sorry for the short notice for this week).  You can order by calling us(541.382.8059), dropping us an Email or using the web form on our new web page www.fieldsfarm.org/farmtowork.  You can also pay with PayPal from the web page.

We will do our best to post at the beginning of the week what is likely to be in the bag but as in the CSA  it may change by the day.  The first weeks item will include Carrots, Garlic Scapes, Greens and more.  The cost of a bag is $10 if paid by check or cash when you pick up your bag and $10.55 if paid electronically through PayPal and $10.30 for each additional week ordered at the same time.

This is an outgrowth of a service called “Farm to Work” that we provide to two different Deschutes County offices for Deschutes County employees as part of their employee wellness program.  The new web page is also set up for their convenience.

Thank you WWOLF group

post by: Debbie Fields June 14, 2011

Wow, the grey refrigerator is now inside the sales shed and the walls of a new vegetable storage shed are up.  In one day the WWOLF group erected the walls of a veggie storage shed, poured the cement footing for a potato cellar, cleaned and mulched the raspberry beds, rolled up row cover and picked up sandbags, hoed many feet of potatoes and peas as well as everyone was great company.
Thank you so much.
We’re harvesting lettuce mix, carrots and kohlrabi  today for on farm sales.


post by: Debbie Fields June 8, 2011

WWOLF, that stands for Willing Workers on Organic Farms.  We’re having a WWOLF party here on Saturday from 9:00am to 6:00pm.  For the builders in the group we’ll be putting up an insulated vegetable storage shed,  for those who want to get their hands in the dirt we’ll clean the raspberry patch, mulch and transplant.  The kids will be in charge of socializing our new baby chicks and getting our ducks to swim in the pond.  There will be snacks and drinks throughout the day and we’ll be preparing dinner with as many ingredient from the farm as we have right now.  Please come by for any amount of time during the day.  Let us know if you would like to join us for dinner at about 5:00.

Greens Finally!

post by: Debbie Fields June 8, 2011

After quite a cool spring we are beginning to have enough greens(lettuce mix, mizuna, baby kales) to keep a few bags in the grey refrigerator along with an abundant supply of eggs.  We should have carrot and kohlrabi in a couple weeks.

Potato Planting Day

post by: Debbie Fields May 12, 2011

What an awesome group of potato planters we had on Saturday.  They popped in 12 rows in about 45 minutes and had Jim sprinting down the rows making trenches to keep ahead.  That left plenty of time for the kids to gather on the lawn to teach our new ducks how to eat grass.We followed that activity with making big salads with lots of trimmings. Thank you so much to all who participated.
There is a slide-show of the activities on the website, take a look at http://fieldsfarm.org/slideshows