Even with a very chilly spring the lettuce mix and arugula have been steadily growing. Bags of Lettuce Mix and Arugula will be in the grey refrigerator for sale after 3:00 today for $4 per bag.
First of the Season Greens
post by: Debbie Fields May 10, 2011
Farm Day Reminder
post by: Debbie Fields May 7, 2011
Jim is busy digging furrows to plant potatoes and I’m heading out to harvest our first spring greens for lunch. Come on by 10:00 for potato planting and noon for lunch.
Farm Day
post by: Debbie Fields April 24, 2011
Would you like to get your hands in the dirt, see the workings of the farm or just eat a good salad? Fields Farm is having a potato planting and salad potluck. We’ll provide the greens, you bring one item you like in a salad or a dressing. We’ll have the plates and utensils. We’ll plant taters in the morning and after lunch look the farm over.
Day: Saturday, May 7th
10:00 Potato Planting
12:00 Salad Potluck
Bring your family or friends. Come for any part of the day.
Jim, Debbie and Felicia
Spring update
post by: Debbie Fields March 18, 2011
Spring is just around the corner with the equinox in just two days. Winter brought us some needed rest and a couple of ferocious wind storms. We will be working on yet more creative ways to keep our greenhouses intact. The sunspace attached to our house went from spacious and roomy to completely full of starts in a 9 day period. We have lettuce mix, spinach, arugula, chard, kales, leeks, kohlrabi all poking their heads up looking for sun. Next Monday the first greens will be moved to the cold frames and as ever optimistic farmers we hope our nighttime low temperatures will be above 30 degrees. There are eggs, shallots and wild rice for sale on the farm. CSA shares and Farm Bucks are also available.
CSA 2011
post by: Debbie Fields February 11, 2011
After a welcome winter rest our seeds arrived yesterday, officially starting the 2011 season. Seeding will begin in the greenhouse the last week of February. CSA sign ups are now open. A share in the CSA will begin with a bag of veggies weekly starting the last week in May through the last week in October with a final bag the week before Thanksgiving. The cost of a share is $620.00. Pick ups will be in our beautiful new harvest shed here on the farm. Any questions drop us an email or give us a call at 541-382-8059.
Lundy Beef
post by: Debbie Fields January 9, 2011
The Lundy’s are planning to butcher 1 or 2 beef in February. If you are interested in a 1/4, 1/2 or whole please give them a call at 541-548-6949. For more specifics see their listing on our website under LocalMeats. Someone called them earlier but they lost your number, please call again.
A Very Happy New Year
post by: Debbie Fields January 1, 2011
Jim and I want to wish all of you a very happy new year. 2010 even with it’s cold spring was a good year and we appreciate all of you who have participated in the farm whether buying vegetables, volunteering, field trips or sharing a good story. We look forward to 2011 and all the challenges working with the natural world brings. Eggs and wild rice will be available through out the winter.
Winter Tidings
post by: Debbie Fields December 5, 2010
Looking at the white landscape out my window shows winter is upon us but interestingly enough our chickens have finished moulting and the egg supply is up. Right now there is plenty of eggs for everyone. I’ve just put out the first of this season’s gourmet garlic powders. Shallot powder will be out by the end of the week. They are $6.00/bottle. If you want several bottles or any of the specialty blends let us know so we can have them ready when you come. Bags of carrots, brussel spouts, collards and wild rice are also still available.
Thanksgiving Harvest
post by: Debbie Fields November 20, 2010
We are busy harvesting the last of the carrots, broccoli, brussell sprouts and cabbage before the big chill sets in. The grey refrigerator is full of all those items as well as kale, collards and eggs. Wild Rice and shallots are yummy additions to your Thanksgiving stuffing. Look for them on the harvest table in the new shed.
Chilly Fall Nights
post by: Debbie Fields November 5, 2010
Chilly fall nights makes sweeter, even more delicious vegetables! We’ll have the refrigerator well stocked this weekend with carrots, brussel sprouts, kale, collards, parsley, shallots and eggs. We’ll also have a basket of my brother’s Wild Rice out for sale. Come after 10:00, Jim’s been gone two weeks on a trip to buy some unique equipment for small farm and I’m taking him out for breakfast.