As many of you know we have had 2 goats, my sweet old ladies, as I call them. They were our kids last 4-H goats and were 15 and 16 years old(absolutely ancient for a goat). A couple weeks ago Oreo, the black and white goat died peacefully in her sleep after strolling around the farm the day before. This has left Chocolate, the brown and white goat on her own. Goats are herd animals. Last weekend we finished some work outside and headed into the house through the sunspace, first Jim, then me, our kitty Skagit came rushing in followed closely by Bear our dog and of course, Chocolate. I had to close the door on her because even I can’t have a goat in the house. It was just so sad. So we have become Chocolate’s herd. Most days we leave her pen open and she spends the day in the yard, following Jim around or trying to be Bear’s new best friend. So when you come for your eggs or onions don’t be alarmed if a rather large goat greets you in the parking area. She’s quite harmless and loves a bit of scatch between her horns.
A Peaceful Passing
post by: Debbie Fields February 9, 2013
Eggs and Taters
post by: Debbie Fields January 27, 2013
Eggs and Taters…sounds like a good breakfast! After the big freeze around the holidays we have sorted our remaining potatoes and onions. Bags of both are available in the sales shed, along with a good supply of eggs, wild rice and walnuts. The wild rice is in a plastic box on the table as the mice get hungry in the winter and were getting into the bags. Clean up, repairing equipment, pruning and composting are our main activities on the farm right now. Enjoy your winter.
Not our normal
post by: Debbie Fields January 5, 2013
Usually we only post info about our farm but, well, it’s my sister! she is selling the household items from her condo. After it’s empty a nice passive solar 2 bedroom condo will be for rent.
Clean Out the Condo SALE!!! Saturday and Sunday, January 5 & 6
Among the items for sale:
Almost new two queen sized mattresses with box springs (nice mattress pad included) $100 each
Two queen size bed frames…one with a simple wooden headboard $10 No headboard, $20 with
Two gold tone and black, sturdy table lamps 28″ high $20/each
Bed linens–queen size bed-in-a-bag with comforter, sheets, pillow shams, bed skirt…bright multi colored with a blue/green base color $35
Three pillows $5 each
Bed spread-ivory colored heavy woven cotton, queen size $20
Hand painted on a black background Duvet cover and two pillow shams–queen size–like new, very unique $50
Down comforter, queen size with sage green cover $20
Burgundy colored swivel rocker-good condition $30
Lazy Boy recliner–medium blue, slight wear on back corners, fabric good condition $40
Two lawn chairs $5 each
Goose neck floor lamp 48″ high $10
Floor lamp with two bulb, one shines up and one is on the pole $25
Three small book shelves– one natural wood, one metal, one white Formica type $15 each
Kitchen items- Bunn coffee maker, Bunn coffee grinder, set of silverware, toaster, pots and pans, Set of Corelle dishes square black and white and a few other items–various prices
Small plastic garbage cans $2
Pictures, prints $5 to 50
If you are interested in any of these items please call Penny at 208.244.2164.
I am Debbie Fields sister. CASH sales please.
Penny Pinson
Eggs again
post by: Debbie Fields January 4, 2013
Hi folks,
After a very pleasant holiday break we have eggs again. A few sunny days and the girls have started popping out eggs. If you would like onions or potatoes come ask at the house. With our chilly temperatures they were freezing on the table. We want to wish you all a very happy new year. Seed catalogs are arriving which always wets our appetites for another season!
Something New In The Sales Shed
post by: Debbie Fields December 15, 2012
Hey we’ve got something new in the sales shed. A couple years ago in the never ending search to find what will actually grow in Central Oregon I began putting in various berries and small fruits . Now we have the first product of those experiments. We call them Fields Farm Old Fashioned Jellies made from black currants, red currents and quince. If you want to try them out or need a small gift, they are available for $3.50 a jar.We also have about 12 dozen eggs right now and the rest of the sales shed is well packed with potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, walnuts and wild rice . If you would like garlic or garlic powders contact us directly and we’ll see what we can do .
Winter’s Quiet
post by: Debbie Fields November 30, 2012
Winter is coming to the farm. Farmer’s Market, the CSA and FarmtoWork programs have finished for the year. Our lives are quieter with much needed time to rest, finish projects set aside during the summer, read and drink good coffee. However with our so far mild winter, remnants of summer remain. Our on farm sales shed still has 2 varietes of potatoes, onions, 2 varieties of beets, carrots, wild rice, walnuts and even some kale and arugula. We have eggs available though occasionally we run out for a day or two. Due to the high cost of feed we are having to raise the price of eggs to $4.75/dozen. Due to the drought in the midwest, grain supplies are tighter and even our locally produced grains are higher in price.
Have a peaceful winter
Debbie and Jim
A Bounty of Greens
post by: Debbie Fields November 7, 2012
Farming is full of surprises. Due to our unseasonably warm weather we have a tunnel full of lettuce mix, spinach and arugula. The chickens also like this warm weather, laying plenty of eggs. There is carrots, beets, 2 kinds of potatoes, onions, garlic, walnuts and wild rice packed. The greens will be bagged and in the refrigerator. Come on by.
Fall has come
post by: Debbie Fields October 5, 2012
Fall is upon us but we still have plenty of delicous items at the farm stand. On the table are onions, garlic, hot peppers, sweet pepper , tomatillos(mmm green salsa), potatoes, wild rice, walnuts and garlic herb powders. In the frig are carrots, beets, kale, swiss chard and eggs. As usual we’ll be open daylight hours 7 days a week. On these cold nights we are closing the doors early to prevent freezing. Come on in and make your purchases then close the door as you leave.
Bountiful Harvest
post by: Debbie Fields September 1, 2012
Hi Folks, We’ll be around this weekend keeping the sales shed well stocked. We have plenty of eggs, 3 kinds of potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatillos, cherry tomatoes, walnuts in the shell and wild rice on the table. In the frig are carrots, 3kinds of beets, Italian romano green beans, 3 kinds of summer squash, 3 kinds of kale, swiss chard, cabbage and basil. Come on by anytime.
Fields Farm Participating in this Weekend’s Backyard Farm Tour
post by: Debbie Fields August 22, 2012
Fields Farm likes visitors any time, but this weekend, Aug. 25th and 26th, you can visit as part of Bend’s Backyard Farm Tour. Bend’s 3rd annual Backyard Farm Tour features local people who, in big and small ways, are producing their own food. The self guided tour is a benefit for Neighborhood Impact. $10 gets you a guide book with descriptions and a suggested route. There is a $5 discount for cyclists. More info at